Thursday, April 29, 2010

Groom Pic Spam Post

It seems like I do a lot of bridal type posts. Of course, I am the bride, so it stands to reason I would talk about bridely things. Since Derek and I are having a themed wedding and his half of the wedding is different from my half, it feels only fair that I talk about the ninjas. Derek, Ruben and Rush the dog are the Ninjas of the Day.

Derek chose a cosplay (costume play) from Naruto (popular anime (cartoon)).


The black wrap actually covers the right arm, pinning it down. The character of whom this is a cosplay, Danzo, is a bad guy who pretends to be injured to fool people in his village. Danzo isn't important but what is important is that I'll likely have to modify it so he has both his arms out. Haha!

We talked about it a small bit about dressing Ruben up in a gi to look like Ryu from Street Fighter.


Ruben isn't quite that muscled and we won't make it look so tattered. He definitely won't have his shirt open all the way down to his navel either. Probably not gloves either. I might write something in gold paint pen on his black belt. :)

As for shoes, I think sandals or flip flops will be fine. Shoes on the guys definitely aren't that important to me. Or we could wrap their feet in athletic tape like some MMA guys do.

Someone on a wedding community told me about a ninja dog. If I had time, skill or patience I would definitely make the outfit for Rush the dog. Otherwise, I'll likely do some gauze wrapping around her paws and maybe around her neck - obviously not tightly heh. I plan on getting some neat collars and leashes for both the dogs to wear as they are the ring bearers.

(Boo the Ninja Dog in Kyoto)

(I want to give it a red ring if we incorporate an XBox 360)

(I might just make JUST this one. Or maybe stack them all funky.)

(Dunno if I want to incorporate the Wii.)

(I could do this.)

Thankfully, Mimi is going to be able to help me make the cakes for the wedding and she's really enthusiastic about helping.

That's all I have for you guys! <3

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